Choosing the best mattress is crucial. You will spend about 233,000 hours during your lifetime, laying on a mattress, to restore your physical strength and mental capacity. How well you rest will impact how you feel, how you think, how you work, how you get along with others, even how long you will live.
No other mattress has all the benefits of the Pure Health® Mattress!
Spring Mattresses When your body's shape presses down into a spring mattress, pressure points that can cause backaches, sore joints, headaches, numbness, stiffness and constant tossing and turning are produced. Obviously, this "one mattress fits every sleeper" design can't work because every person is different!
A spring mattress "one mattress fits every sleeper" design produces pressure points that cause constant tossing and turning.
Sleep Number® Type Air Mattresses
Air mattresses have adjustable firmness, but they do not adjust perfectly and evenly to a sleeper's shape. Therefore, they don't eliminate pressure points. They are also missing the critical memory foam.
Air mattress elimates springs, but does not elimate pressure points
Tempurpedic® Type Foam Mattresses
Memory foam layer is compressed against a firmer surface. This causes the memory foam to "thin out" at critical areas, causing pressure points. Also, its firmness cannot be adjusted for each sleeper like an air mattress can. It does not eliminate pressure points.
A foam mattress, when compressed from a body's shape and weight thins out, creating pressure points.
Pure Health® Combination Mattress
Our state-of-the-art mattress combines both the air mattress and memory foam mattress technologies into one incredible mattress to produce the world's most comfortable mattress. It also sells for thousands less!
Adjustable Firmness
Its firmness adjusts independently, infinitely, and precisely for each sleeper.
It's far more accurate than the Sleep Number® Bed.
Also, it has a unique memory function.
When you change the mattress firmness for various reasons,
the control's memory function automatically and instantly returns the firmness to your "preset" most comfortable firmness setting.
No conventional mattresses have firmness adjustments.
No Pressure Points
It has 3" of temperature-sensitive, pressure relieving memory foam that eleviates painful pressure points that cause tossing and turning during sleep.
You will rarely (most likely never) move during sleep.
No Distrurbances
You will never detect any sleep disturbing movements of your sleeping partner.
For example, even if you were lying wide awake, but with your eyes closed,
you would not detect your partner leaving or entering the bed.
Normally, sleeping partners are continually disturbing each other during the night.
That doesn't happen on the Pure Health® Mattress.
Machine Washable
The mattress's top cover can be simply removed and machine washed at a laundromat to keep it fresh and clean.
Conventional mattresses can't be cleaned.
Think about it.
Would you be willing to wear the same clothes for 10 years without ever washing them?
Wool Filling (Does not affect anyone allergic to wool clothing)
Its top is filled with wool, which, due to its high cost, is rarely found in other mattresses,
even though it is highly desirable.
For example, wool is up to 10 times more insulating than other mattress fibers.
Wool's fibers are soft and springy too,
so they easily conform perfectly to your body's shape,
smoothing out pressure points,
and thus improving poor blood circulation which is the cause of numbness.
And, because wool can absorb up to 1/3 of its own weight in moisture and yet not feel damp,
(on average, a person loses 1 cup of fluid during sleep each night),
it will continually absorb moisture from your body all night long,
keeping you (and your sheets) cool and comfortable on hot,
muggy, summer nights! During wintery nights, you can keep the bedroom thermostat set low for easy breathing because wool will then keep you cozy warm as it traps and holds your own body heat. Wool is truly the insulating miracle of creation. That's why desert dwellers wear woolen clothing. It keeps them cool and dry during the hot, burning days, yet warm during the cold, frigid nights.
No other product can offer you all the benefits of wool.
Adjustable Temperature
Each side of the Pure Health® Mattress can be heated or cooled with an optional thermostatically controlled mattress pad,
providing ultimate comfort for both sleepers.
Hot flashes and chills can be gone.
Dust Mite Control
Dust mites, mold, mildew, bacteria, and fungus will not build up in our mattress cover because it is antimicrobial (and machine washable).
Wool is naturally non-allergenic.
Other mattresses cannot be cleaned, and can be unhealthy to sleep on.
It is estimated that 70% of asthma sufferers are allergic to dust mites,
and mold poses an even greater problem for those with allergies.
No Mattress Flipping
Our mattress is designed to go on a platform, and therefore it never needs to be flipped or rotated.
It eliminates the box spring and its cost.
No Body Impressions
Our mattress never develops deep body impressions.
This is a common problem with conventional mattresses which,
unfortunately are not warranted for the deep body impressions that quickly develop.
The impressions affect sleep and appearance of the bed when made up.
All Replacable Parts
Unlike conventional mattress sets, which have to be periodically replaced,
our mattress has inexpensive, replaceable parts,
which can save you hundreds of dollars.
Conventional mattresses have no replaceable parts and usually are only sold in sets.
Easy To Make
Our mattress is much lighter and therefore easier to make than the extraordinarily heavy conventional spring mattresses of today.
Easy To Move
Our mattress is flexible, light, and can be moved easily in tight spots or up stairs, etc.
Conventional mattresses are heavy clumsy, difficult to bend,
and their size prevents them from moving in tight spots.
Best Value Period!
Even the highest priced mattress sets,
such the "Deluxe Model" Tempurpedic®,
which sell for up to $7,000 can't compare!
They cost 3 times as much and have far fewer features.
Our State-of-the-art, benefit packed mattress is the most advanced mattress design in the world.
Longest Lasting
Due to its inexpensive, replaceable parts,
our mattress can save you thousands of dollars and last for your lifetime.
30 Day Trial
You can try our mattress in your home for 30 days. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
The Pure Health® Mattress is the only mattress that provides all of the above health benefits.
There are 12 reasons for not buying a spring mattress
Cover Cannot Be Cleaned
Cover Filling Has Millions of Dust Mites
Mattress Fill Forms Lumps, Bumps, and Valleys
Firmness Not Adjustable
Pressure Causes Constant Tossing & Turning
Box Spring Wastes Space and Money
Springs Cause Pressure Points
Can't Vacuum Under Bed
Mattress Sides Can Bow Out
Bed Frame Wastes Space Collects Dust
Unhealthy Dust and Dust Mites Accumulate Under Bed
Weak Frame Has Limited Support Points
Spring Mattresses Cause Pressure Points That Rob You of Sleep
The innerspring mattress is the oldest and most common type of mattress. Its basic design hasn't been changed or improved for over decades. It still consists of 300 to 600 springs arranged inside of a mattress cover, and the strength and number of these springs determines the firmness of the mattress. In operation, the weight of a person lying on the spring mattress compresses the springs. But, due to the body's irregular shape and weight distribution, some springs are compressed much more than others, resulting in the creation of painful "pressure points". These pressure points affect your body all night long while you are in the "unconscious state" of sleeping, causing continual tossing and turning, back aches, stiffness and numbness, robbing you of sleep. In the past, only spring mattresses were available, but now, you have far better choices. The Pure Health® Mattress is far superior to other mattresses.
There are 15 reasons for not buying a Tempurpedic Mattress
Tempurpedic® has Far Less Benefits.
It can cost More Than Triple the Price of Similar Beds!
Tempurpedic® Bed
Price Range:
$2251 to $8467
Average King Size: *
6% Sales Tax
Is Not
Side to Side
Only Thin Fabric
Separates Sleeper
From Foam
There is No Filling
Sleeper & Foam
Bed Frame Gives
Limited Support
Unhealthy Dust
Under Bed
Mattress Can
Bow Out
Sitting on Edge
Can't Clean
Under Bed
Bed Frame & Foundation
Are Space Wasters
They Cost $490!
Feature is Not Unique!
Zipper Can Break
Thin Foam Layer
Can Slide
on Foundation
Because memory foam is
not insulated from sleepers,
it can become
uncomfortably warm
and cause sweating!
*Check current Prices
What You Need To Know.
The Tempurpedic® Bed advertising cost amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars.
This cost is added to the manufacturing cost of their mattresses.
So, if you purchase a Tempurpedic® Bed, you will be paying
hundreds or thousands of dollars just for the advertising cost. which has zero value for you!
The average cost of a king Tempurpedic® Bed (mattress, foundation, bed frame)
is $4433. That's more than double the price of our Pure Health® Mattress,
which has far more benefits. Memory foam is the main feature of the Tempurpedic® Mattress,
but memory foam is not unique. It is available in hundreds of mattresses that cost far less
than the Tempurpedic® Mattress.
The Tempurpedic® Mattress is lacking a critical feature. It has no firmness adjustment feature,
which allows each sleeper to independently adjust the mattress firmness for their specific size,
shape, weight or health problem (injury).
The Tempurpedic® Mattress top cover has no filling to separate the sleeper from the foam.
This close contact with the foam can cause discomfort and sweating due to body heat build-up.
The Tempurpedic® Mattress top cover is attached to the bottom cover by a zipper.
Most everyone knows what can happen when starting or getting material caught in a zipper -
it can be instantly ruined.
The Tempurpedic® bed frame and foundation waste space equal to 3 dressers, that could provide useful storage. The bed frame also permits unhealthy dust to accumulate under the bed. The dust is difficult to remove, and can affect sleepers who have allergies. Furthermore, the legs provide only a small number of support points. They can each apply as much as 100 pounds of weight per square inch on the floor (depending on the weight of sleepers). This can cause the bed foundation to flex and break. You pay $490 for a foundation that has all these disadvantages, and provides far less support than the Pure Health® underbed dresser fundation, which provides dozens of benefits.
Our Pure Health® Mattress will save you thousands of dollars!
There are 14 reasons for not buying a Number Bed®
Pure Health® Mattress is the best for thousands less
Sleep Number® Bed
Price Range:
$1945 to $10,850
Average King Size: *
6% Sales Tax
Firmness Control
Has Limited Functions
50% of Number Beds
have no memory
or fast-fill feature
There Is No Wool
Center Divider Is Detectable
To Sleepers
Mattress Cover Can't be
Held Together
by a Breakable
Air Chambers Have "Bumpy"
Washboard Shape
Bed Legs
Give Limited Support
Dusty, Wasted Space Cost $160!
Mattress Slides on
Totally Wasted Space
Accumulates Dust!
Hard to Clean Under Bed!
Sculptured Foam
Provides Very Little Support!
No Memory Foam!
in Sleep Number® Beds
Costing less than $4300!
Mattress Foundation W/Legs
Fabric Covered Plastic
Can Flex & Break
Huge Space-Waster Cost $620!
*Check current Prices
What You Need To Know. Don't Be Fooled!
The Sleep Number® Bed advertising cost amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars.
The cost is tacked onto the cost of their mattresses. So, if you purchase a Sleep Number® Bed,
you will be paying hundreds of dollars just for the advertising cost.
That amounts to paying hundreds of dollars for nothing!
The main advertised feature of the Sleep Number® Bed is adjustable firmness.
This feature is available on many air beds that cost thousands less than a Number Bed!
The Sleep Number® foundation and legs are huge space wasters that permit unhealthy
dust to accumulate under the bed where it is impossible to remove.
The legs provide only a small number of support points that allow the plastic foundation to flex and break.
You pay up to $620 for a foundation that has far less support (than an underbed dresser), wastes valuable storage space (equivalent to 3 large dressers) and allows unhealthy dust to collect under your bed!The Sleep Number® inflator controls only adjust in increments of 5 points,
so they are not precise. They can also lack key functions, such as "memory" and "fast-fill".
Most importantly, Sleep Number® Beds, costing thousands more than the Pure Health® Bed do not have memory foam, which is critical for alleviating the pain-causing pressure points that greatly reduce sleep quality.
The Pure Health® Mattress will save you thousands of dollars!
The Pure Health™ Mattress Top Has Pure Wool Filling (Not in Sleep Number® or Tempurpedic® Beds)
Wool is naturally flame-resistant
Wool lasts for years without losing its resilience (no body impressions).
Wool is good for the heart; it significantly lowers heart rates.
Wool is all natural.
Wool's naturally resilient structure contains an abundance of air that provides natural cushioning.
Wool wicks away moisture from the body and dries quickly.
Wool is an insulator - historically, wool has been used in the heat of the desert and the coolest arctic climates.
Wool is dust & bed bug resistant.
Wool is mold and mildew resistant.
Wool is odor resistant.
Air circulates freely beneath your body keeping you cool in summer, warm in the winter, and always dry.
Blow Up of Wool Fiber Absorbing Moisture
Nothing, not even "down", has the superior qualities of wool. Wool's fibers are soft and springy, so they easily conform perfectly to your body's shape, smoothing out pressure points and thus improving poor blood circulation which is the cause of numbness. And, because wool can absorb up to 1/3 of its own weight in moisture and yet not feel damp, (on average, a person exhales and perspires 1 cup of fluid during sleep each night), it will continually draw moisture away from your body all night long, keeping you more cool and comfortable on hot muggy, summer nights! Wool gets rid of moisture seven times faster than feathers, down and synthetics, so it lets you sleep more comfortably. Water makes you hot and sweaty in a warm environment and cold and clammy in a cool environment. Moisture is what attracts mold, mildew and dust mites. The allergies caused by these organisms result in increased tossing and turning as your nose gets stuffy or your throat gets dry, or you spend all night throwing your comforter off and on to regulate moisture. During wintery nights, you can keep the bedroom thermostat set low for easy breathing because wool will then keep you cozy warm as it traps and holds your own body heat. Wool is truly the insulating miracle of creation. That's why desert dwellers wear woolen clothing. It keeps them cool and dry during the hot, burning days, yet warm during the cold, frigid nights. No other product can offer you all the benefits of pure wool. Wool is flame resistant and antimicrobial. It naturally repels odors, mildew, germs, fungus, dust mites and bed bugs.
The Pure Health™ Mattress is the Only Mattress With a launderable, wool filled top that repels dust mites & bed bugs
Our Pure Health® Memory Foam Air Mattress is the only mattress you can buy with pure wool in a removable, machine washable, antimicrobial treated top that prevents dust mite infestation.
Literally millions of dust mites live in your beds and pillows. Each dust mite produces about 20 particles of waste each day and that's what humans are allergic to. Controlling the nest (pillows and mattresses) is the key to managing dust mites. NOTE: A new mattress can become infested by millions of house dust mites within 4 months, and up to half the weight of an old pillow can be made up of dead dust mites, their eggs, feces, and human skin flakes. Humans shed about a billion flakes of skin every night in bed supplying the food upon which the dust mite lives. Humans also expel up to a pint of fluid each night, providing the moisture the dust mite needs to survive. Our dust mite proof Pure Health® mattress cover can be machine washed.
According to scientific studies, the average person, due to pressure points caused by mattresses, tosses and turns from forty to one hundred times each night during sleep. This causes dry skin flakes, dust mite carcasses, and dust mite droppings to be expelled into the air they breathe, where they can remain air borne for up to eight hours. These microscopic particles penetrate deep into your lungs as you breathe. Our Pure Health™ mattress gets rid of tossing and turning.
Dust mites thrive in conditions of low light and high humidity, making pillows we breathe into, and mattresses we perspire on, the perfect habitat for dust mites. They can cause sneezing, burning nose, itchy eyes, night-time cough and wheezing. According to research, asthmatics are most at risk with up to 80% reacting to the house dust mite allergens. Sufferers may also experience hay fever and sinus problems. Dust mites are the main contributor to half of the asthma cases. Sleep is vital to good health and essential for the immune system, but allergy sufferers (due to dust mites) often experience disturbed sleep, which leaves them tired the following day. NOTE: Losing only one hour of sleep each night of the week takes the same toll on the body as staying awake an entire night.
You spend 1/3 of your life, about 8 hours every day, lying on a bed and breathing into your pillow. During that time, you can be in direct contact with literally millions of dust mites, mold, mildew, bacteria, and fungus. The special antimicrobial wool filling in the pure Health® Mattress is the best protection for these problems.